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Extraordinary Emergency Fund

Reserve funding is set aside each fiscal year from the EMS and Trauma Care System Account, and the Trauma Facilities and Trauma Care System Fund (Health and Safety Code Section 773.122), and the Designated Trauma Facility and Emergency Medical Services Account (Health and Safety Code Section 780.004) to support the emergent, unexpected needs of EMS providers or DSHS-approved organizations. Proposals are evaluated based on impact to the regional or statewide EMS/trauma system. 

Eligible applicants include:

  • Licensed EMS providers

  • Registered first responder organizations

  • Licensed hospitals

Your application must include a description of the following:

  1. The Extraordinary Emergency Fund Checklist.

  2. A written proposal. Describe the recent extraordinary emergency event that has occurred and the impact to your service. Explain how denial of this request for funding will affect your community. Describe alternative solutions you have sought to resolve your emergency. Describe the types of subsidies you receive from the community.

  3. Budget documentation for the last year and current quarter (income/expense/savings statements).

  4. Invoice(s) or quoted price for the item(s) you need.

Include complete answers to the following questions to assist us with the evaluation of your proposal in determining a funding recommendation.

  • Did this need arise suddenly?

  • Does budget documentation represent typical income/revenue funds appropriate for operating an organization of this size?

  • Will our assistance maintain the level of your service? Emergency funds are not intended to expand your service.

  • If requesting equipment, describe how the replacement item(s) compares to the original piece of equipment. Is the replacement item an upgrade?

  • Does your organization participate in the Regional Advisory Council?

You may return the above application packet to us by mail at:

Office of EMS/Trauma Systems,
Department of State Health Services, MC 1876
P O Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714-9347

or email to: