Notas a los datos sobre COVID-19 en Texas

The below are intended to assist users in understanding the coronavirus data posted by DSHS Center for Health Statistics (CHS) from March 2020 until May 10, 2023.

At the time of initial publication by DSHS CHS, all coronavirus data were provisional and subject to change. To document changes and explain data anomalies, DSHS CHS published case notes accompanying data updates, when necessary.

Case & Lab Backlog Notes

The following case notes were published on the dashboards and previous website to provide additional information on the provisional data published on that date:

Additional Data Notes, Data Definitions, Data Sources & Other Information and Dashboard Changes Over Time

The following files contain the information previously posted on these pages of the website: Additional Data Notes; Data Definitions; Data Sources & Other Information; Dashboard Changes Over Time:

Lo que sigue pretende ayudar a los usuarios a entender los datos sobre el coronavirus publicados por el DSHS. 

Al momento de la publicación inicial por parte del DSHS, todos los datos sobre el coronavirus son provisionales y están sujetas a sufrir modificaciones. Para documentar cambios y explicar anomalías en los datos, el DSHS publica notas de casos, que acompañan a las actualizaciones de datos, de ser necesario.

Notas adicionales de casos (en inglés):