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Laboratory Fee Schedule

Procedure #: BZZ0015A

CPT: 82465


Synonym(s): Total cholesterol
Requisition Form G-1B, G-THSTEPS
Test Description The quantitation of cholesterol in human serum is used to determine the risk of coronary heart disease.
Pre-Approval Needed N/A
Supplemental Information Required N/A
Supplemental Form(s) N/A
Performed on Specimens from (sources) Human
Sample/Specimen Type for Testing
  • Preferred: Serum from a red top tube transferred to a transport tube
  • Acceptable: Serum from a centrifuged gold top serum separator tube.
Minimum Volume/Size Required 1mL serum.
Storage/Preservation Prior to Shipping
  • Collect blood in red top or gold top tube.
  • Gently invert the tube with the blood specimen five times immediately after collection.
  • Allow to clot 30 minutes from collection. 
  • Centrifuge gold top tube to separate serum from red blood cells.
  • For red top tube: Immediately transfer serum into a transport tube. 
  • For gold top tube: Immediately transfer serum into a transport tube if serum will be frozen. *
  • Store serum cold if testing will occur within 7 days of collection.
  • Store serum frozen if testing will occur after 7 days of collection.

NOTE: * Gold top serum separator tube cannot be frozen. Serum must be transferred to a transport tube prior to freezing.  

Transport Medium N/A
Specimen Labeling
  • Two patient-specific identifiers required (e.g., patient full name, date of birth, medical record number).
  • Identifiers on specimen must exactly match submission form.
Shipping and Specimen Handling Requirements
  • Ship all specimens overnight with enough cold packs or dry ice to maintain specimens at proper temperature until arrival at DSHS Laboratory.
  • Ship according to Dangerous Good Regulations, IATA, and/or CFR 49.
  • Handle as infectious agent using universal precautions.
  • Ship triple-contained in accordance with federal shipping regulations for infectious agents.
  • Ship Monday-Thursday; avoid Friday and weekend deliveries.
  • Ship cold specimens overnight on ice packs if arriving at laboratory within 7 days from collection. 
  • Ship frozen specimens overnight on dry ice or on ice packs.
  • Specimens must be received cold/frozen by the laboratory.   
  • Consider freezing serum transport tubes prior to shipping during high temperature months.
Method Quantitative enzymatic
Turn-around Time 4-5 working days after receipt of specimen.
Interferences/Limitations Lipemia, turbidity, icterus, hemolysis, metamizole, N-acetyl cysteine.
Common Causes for Rejection
  • Two patient-specific identifiers not met.
  • Specimen received at ambient temperature due to inadequate/no ice packs.
  • Specimen unsuitable for testing
  • Specimen was received at improper temperature.
  • No specimen included with submission form. 
  • Submission form not included with specimen. 
  • Specimen tube broken/leaked in transit. 
  • Demographic information is missing or incorrect. 
  • Specimen identification is missing or incorrect.
  • Whole blood was received. 
  • Specimen is collected in an expired blood collection tube. 
  • No test specified.
  • Red top tubes have not had serum poured over to a transport tube.
  • Frozen gold top tubes.
Additional Information 

Reference Range:

  • Children/adolescents (<20 years): <170 mg/dL
  • Young adults (20-24 years): <190 mg/dL
  • Adults: <200 mg/dL

