The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on vaccines for infants, children, teens and adults.
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Immunization Section works to eliminate the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases. DSHS does this by increasing vaccination coverage for Texans, raising awareness of the diseases that vaccines prevent, sharing information about vaccine safety, and supporting providers to identify opportunities to improve vaccine uptake. DSHS maintains the Texas Immunization Registry (ImmTrac2), which provides access to immunization records. DSHS also manages the Texas Vaccines for Children and Adult Safety Net programs, which ensure that all Texans have access to vaccines, regardless of their ability to pay or insurance restrictions.

Protect yourself and your baby from pertussis, known as Whooping Cough. Women should be vaccinated during pregnancy and babies need their vaccinations as well.
Immunization Quick Links

Our new program provider portal houses all relevant information for health care providers in one location. In the provider portal, you can learn how to enroll in DSHS programs, request immunization records, follow compliance requirements, and more.

Need a copy of your or your child's immunization record? Fill out the linked form and submit to or mail to the address in the "Contact" section.

The Texas Administrative Code sets vaccination requirements for children in public and private schools, childcare, and pre-K in Texas. Learn more about what your child needs to go to school or daycare.
Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) are sheets with information made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). They inform people getting vaccines, their parents, or legal representatives about the benefits and risks of a vaccine.