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Schistosoma IgG

Laboratory Fee Schedule
Procedure #: MPS0010A
CPT:  86682

Synonym(s):  Schistosomiasis, Bilharzia
Requisition Form G-2A
Test Description Qualitative Determination of IgG Antibodies against Schistosoma mansoni by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
Pre-Approval Needed N/A
Supplemental Information Required N/A
Supplemental Form(s) N/A
Performed on Specimens from (sources) Human
Sample/Specimen Type for Testing Serum
Minimum Volume/Size Required 500 µL
Storage/Preservation Prior to Shipping
  • Store serum cold (2°C to 8°C) if testing will occur within 5 days of collection.
  • Store serum frozen (– 20°C) if testing will occur after 5 days of collection.
Transport Medium N/A
Specimen Labeling
  • Two patient-specific identifiers required (e.g., patient full name, date of birth, Medical record number)
  • Identifiers on specimen must exactly match submission form.
Shipping and Specimen Handling Requirements Ship specimens:
  • Ship all specimens overnight with enough cold packs or dry ice to maintain specimens at proper temperature until arrival at DSHS Laboratory.
  • Ship Monday-Thursday; avoid weekend deliveries.
  • Ship cold specimens overnight on ice packs if arriving at laboratory within 5 days from collection. 
  • Ship frozen specimens overnight on dry ice or on ice packs.   
  • Specimens must be received cold/frozen by the laboratory.
  • according to Dangerous Good Regulations, IATA, and/or CFR 49
  • using universal precautions for infectious agents
  • triple-contained in accordance with federal shipping regulations for infectious agents.
  • as Biological Substance Category B
  • Additional forms & resources
Method Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
Turn-around Time 6 working days.
  • Interference observed with hemolytic, lipemic and icteric samples.
  • Bacterial contamination, heat-inactivation, or repeated freeze-thaw cycles may affect results.
Common Causes for Rejection
  • Insufficient quantity, 
  • unacceptable specimen type or source, 
  • improper shipping conditions, 
  • expired media or collection container, 
  • discrepancies between specimen label and submission form, and/or 
  • incomplete or missing submission form
Additional Information Diagnosis of an infectious disease should not be established based on a single test result. Diagnosis of schistosomiasis should be based on clinical history, signs, and symptoms in conjunction with diagnostic results.