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Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council

A Healthy Texas is a Productive Texas

Next Public Meeting

Date: September 26, 2024

Time: 10:00 AM

Agenda and meeting information can be viewed here.


We envision a Texas in which all are able to achieve their maximum health potential - A Texas in which:

  • Prevention and education are the primary approaches for achieving optimal health.
  • All have equal access to quality health care.
  • Local communities are empowered to plan and direct interventions that have the greatest impact on the health of all.
  • We, and future generations, are healthy, productive and able to make informed decisions.

About SHCC

The Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council (SHCC) is a 17-member council, with 13 members appointed by the governor and four ex-officio members representing specified state agencies. The Texas Health Planning and Development Act, Chapters 104 and 105 of the Health and Safety Code are the enabling statute for the SHCC. Under the authority of Chapter 104, the governor, with the consent of the Texas Senate, appoints council members to staggered six-year terms.

The broad purpose of the SHCC is to ensure health care services and facilities are available to all Texans through health planning activities. Based on these planning activities, the SHCC makes recommendations to the governor and the legislature through the Texas State Health Plan (TSHP). The council also provides overall guidance in the development of the TSHP, submission of the plan to the governor, and promoting the implementation of the plan. The plan is due to the governor for adoption by November 1 of each even-numbered year.

Staff in the Center for Health Statistics, with assistance from other program areas at the Texas Department of State Health Services, supports the SHCC's activities. House Bill 1716, 75th Regular Session and Senate Bill 45, 79th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature amended Chapter 104 to expand the SHCC's focus to include health workforce and health information technology respectively. The SHCC has statutory oversight of the Health Professions Resource Center and the Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies, and has two statutorily mandated advisory committees, the Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies Advisory Committee and the Health Information Technology Advisory Committee.