HIV Surveillance Online Learning

Surveillance Course List

Course ID Course Title
1075055 DSHS HIV and HIV Surveillance – Overview Module 1
1075133 DSHS HIV Laboratory Tests – Module 2
1075137 DSHS HIV Surveillance Case Definition – Module 3
1075139 DSHS HIV THISIS – Module 4
1075145 DSHS Lab Management and Case Ascertainment – Module 5
1075146 DSHS Case Investigation and Reporting – Module 6


TRAIN Texas Registration

Surveillance courses are hosted by TRAIN Texas. Visit TRAIN Texas at to get started.

  • Non-HHS employees: Instructions for accessing TRAIN are on the login screen. Use your agency account and not a personal email account as your user ID. When you create your account, select “Texas User Group” under the GROUPS tab.
  • HHS enterprise employees (including DSHS employees): All employees have a TRAIN Texas account. Your email address is your user ID.

You must log in before searching for the course. If you search for the course and try to register without logging in, you will get an error message.

TRAIN Texas Tips

  1. Please make sure you have turned off pop-up blockers.
  2. If you experience technical difficulty, check the “system requirements” under the help menu on the home page. If you do not see a Help tab on the home page, select “CLASSIC TRAIN” from the upper right-hand side of the screen.
  3. Use one of the recommended system requirements.