Resources created by TSHAC
The Texas School Health Advisory Committee (TSHAC) created the resources below. Information includes research, best practices, and information to help school leaders promote school health. Schools are permitted to utilize or modify the documents listed below to meet the needs of the individual school.
Opioid and Substance Use Prevention Resources for Texas Schools includes opioid prevention resources to educate students, families and staff members about the dangers of opioid misuse and about ways to prevent and overcome opioid addiction.
Dealing with Economic Crisis Resources provides resources and ideas to assist students and families during an economic crisis.
The Texas School Health Advisory Committee has retired their Mental Health Resources for Educators and Schools document. Please visit the School Mental Health website for resources and tools for families, educators, students, and community partners. This website was created through partnership between the Texas Education Agency, Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education, and the Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health.
SHAC Self-Assessment
A SHAC should periodically assess how well it functions so it can improve. The SHAC Self-Assessment Tool can guide a SHAC through this process and steer the SHAC towards improvement.
Bullying Prevention Toolkit
The Texas legislature has addressed the need for districts to develop anti-bullying policies and interventions. This toolkit lists resources to help develop anti-bullying policies and interventions shown to work.
- Introduction for the Bullying Prevention Toolkit (9.2018)
- Bullying Prevention Websites and Resources - Digest
- Sample Resolution: SHAC Recommendation Against Bullying in Texas Public Schools (4.2018)
Sample Resolution: SHAC Recommendations on Obesity Prevention in Texas Public Schools and Cover Letter
This document is an example of a school-based obesity prevention resolution for SHACs. SHACs can use this resolution to support their school district as they work towards improving and strengthening:
- nutrition education;
- access to healthy foods;
- physical education and physical activity opportunities before, during, and after school; and
- joint-use agreements that make school recreational facilities available to the community during non-school hours.
Sodium Reduction in Schools provides school districts and school nutrition practitioners recommended strategies for sodium reduction.
Recommended School Health Services Staff Roles outlines school health services staff roles and responsibilities based on state laws, professional licensing and best practices.