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Communication and Media

The Texas Tobacco Prevention and Control Program offers many ways to engage with its content. Click on the links below to download communication materials.

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Fact Sheets

Cessation Fact Sheets:

Yes! I'm Ready to Quit | ¡Sí! Estoy listo para dejar el tabaco

No, I'm Not Ready to Quit | ¡No, aún no estoy listo para dejar de fumar!

Tobacco and My Baby | El Fumar y mi Bebé

Data Fact Sheets:

2019 Tobacco Quitline

Tobacco-Associated Cancers Fact Sheet

2020 Youth Tobacco Use Fact Sheet

Other Fact Sheets:

Tobacco Use and COVID-19

Tobacco Myths


Cessation Brochures:

No, I’m Not Ready to Quit Brochure | No, Estov, Listo para Dejar de Fumar Brochure


DSHS E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults Toolkit for Healthcare Providers

DSHS E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults Toolkit for Healthcare Providers Booklet Version (Print Ready File)

Provider Toolkit to Treat Tobacco Use and Dependence

Living Smokefree: Texas Public Housing Authorities Toolkit

Tobacco-Free Workplace Toolkit

Vapes Down Campaign


Vapes Down Young Adult Flyer

Vapes Down Youth Flyer


Youth Vapes Down Brochure

Young Adult Vapes Down Brochure

Quit Cards

Yes Quit Cards (English) | Yes Quit Cards (Spanish)


No Smoking | Prohibido Fumar

No Smoking, E-Cigarettes, or Dipping

Referral Forms

Texas Tobacco Quitline Fax Referral Form (English)

Texas Tobacco Quitline Fax Referral Form (Spanish)

Tobacco Prevention and Control Newsletter


Spring 2024


Summer 2023


Winter 2022

Spring 2022

Summer 2022

Fall 2022


Winter 2021

Spring 2021

Summer 2021

Fall 2021

Additional Materials

CDC: Tips From Former Smokers Campaign

CDC: Know the Risks Campaign

FDA: Tobacco Education Resource Library

FDA: Online Vaping Prevention and Education Resource Center

FDA: Dangers of Teen E-Cigarette Use Infographic

FDA: 2018 National Youth Tobacco Survey Infographic

Truth Initiative: Smokeless Tobacco Infographic

Truth Initiative: E-Cigarettes Infographic

Truth Initiative: Secondhand Smoke Infographic