Diabetes News
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November 2024 ![]()
Diabetes News You Can Use is a free news bulletin of the Texas Department of State Health Services. It is compiled by the Diabetes Prevention and Control Program and highlights information and news related to diabetes.
American Diabetes Month
November is American Diabetes Month. Here are a few diabetes facts: One in two people have diabetes or prediabetes. This month, 116,500 Americans will be diagnosed with diabetes, and $27 billion will be spent on diabetes care. Learn more about American Diabetes Month, and download the toolkit from the American Diabetes Association (ADA). Find more diabetes facts here.
Video Testimonial for iDSMES from UTMB
Check out this four-minute video from Norma Villalobos, a graduate of the Intensive Diabetes Self-Management, Education, and Support (iDSMES) Program at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). iDSMES is a one-year diabetes education program that aims to improve diabetes self-care. Participants are supported by Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (CDCES), lifestyle coaches, dietitians, and others. In the video, Norma expresses her gratitude for the support and camaraderie that helped her reach her goals and use her knowledge to assist her son to manage his diabetes. Learn more about iDSMES at UTMB
Updated Diabetes Educational Materials
The Texas Department of State Health Services Diabetes Prevention and Control Program has updated two free diabetes educational brochures: Could You Have Diabetes? and Could You Have Prediabetes? The brochures provide information regarding diabetes and prediabetes risk factors and symptoms, helping individuals determine their risk. The brochures are available online in English and Spanish. An English print version is available, with a Spanish print version coming soon. To view all of our publications, please visit our Diabetes Educational Materials webpage.
Programs in Texas
Healthy South Texas
Healthy South Texas is a partnership between the Texas A&M University Health Science Center and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. The goal is to provide health education resources and services to 27 counties in South Texas, focusing on addressing diabetes and other chronic diseases. At the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) 84th Scientific Session Conference in Orlando, Florida in June 2024, a six-minute YouTube video about Healthy South Texas was showcased. For more information, visit the Healthy South Texas webpage.
Diabetes Peer Support
The Houston Diabetes Peer Support Network delivers peer support to people living with diabetes and their caregivers. Peer support offers a safe and confidential learning atmosphere. Advantages to peer support include helping people figure out how to manage their diabetes, linkages to clinical care and community resources, and ongoing social and emotional support. There are options to join support sessions virtually or in-person. For more information, visit the Houston Diabetes Peer Support webpage.
UMC Health System Diabetes Prevention and Care Educational Programs
The University Medical Center (UMC) Health System in Lubbock now offers diabetes prevention and management education programs taught by Certified Lifestyle Coaches. The Prevent T2 program, a CDC-recognized Lifestyle Change Program, can assist with weight loss, increased activity, and preventing or delaying type 2 diabetes. UMC Health System also offers “Live in Control,” a four-week diabetes management program for individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and their families. For more information or to join a program, visit the UMC Health System Diabetes Prevention and Care Educational Programs webpage.
Medical Transportation Program
Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) offers transportation services for Medicaid beneficiaries or their children without transportation. Services include rides to doctor’s or dentist’s offices, hospitals, drug stores, or any place that provides covered health care services. To request a ride, a person must be enrolled in Medicaid, Children with Special Health Care Needs, or Transportation for Indigent Cancer Patients. For more information, visit the Medical Transportation Program webpage.
Kidney Health Care Program
Kidney Health Care (KHC) is a Texas HHS program that helps ease medical expenses for Texas residents with end-stage renal disease. The KHC program helps to pay for dialysis treatments, access surgery, drugs, travel to transplant or dialysis services, and Medicare premiums. Providers can also enroll in the program. For more information, visit the KHC Program webpage.
Health Equipment Lending Program
The AGE of Central Texas Health Equipment Lending Program offers free medical equipment and incontinence supplies for older adults in need. This program provides equipment and supplies by appointment and has facilities in Central and South Austin. For more information, visit the Health Equipment Lending Program webpage.
Diabetes News & Resources
dStigmatize: End Diabetes Stigma
DiaTribe Foundation is organizing the dStigmatize campaign to end diabetes stigma. The dStigmatize initiative provides resources and opportunities to take action to tackle diabetes stigma as part of diabetes care and mental wellness. For more information, visit the dStigmatize webpage.
Journal Articles
Sitting Time and Its Interaction with Physical Activity in Relation to All-Cause and Heart Disease Mortality in U.S. Adults with Diabetes
July 19, 2024 – Diabetes Care
Researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health have found that getting at least 150 minutes of exercise a week can lessen the mortality risk associated with sitting for extended periods every day in adults with diabetes.
Pathology of Diabetes-Induced Immune Dysfunction
June 28, 2024 – International Journal of Molecular Sciences
This article discusses how diabetes affects the body’s ability to fight off disease and infections. It explores similarities between the body’s ability to protect itself in persons with diabetes and increased inflammation seen in elderly individuals, which leads to higher infection rates, poor vaccine responses, and aging of the body's protective cells. This study also reviews how diabetes medications that are needed and beneficial may set off aging of the cells that protect the body. Lastly, this article provides recommendations for the treatment of inflammation that is caused by diabetes.
Diabetes Education Opportunities & Events
Ask the Experts: Healthy Eating and Traveling During the Holidays
This one-hour webinar on YouTube is hosted by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and presented by Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (CDCES) and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN). These diabetes experts answer questions and provide tips to enjoy the holidays while managing diabetes. To view this webinar, visit Ask the Experts: Healthy Eating and Traveling During the Holidays.
The Importance of Addressing Weight-based Bullying
This webinar offered by the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight discusses weight-based bullying and includes testimonials, resources, a panel discussion, and a question-and-answer session. To view this webinar, visit The Importance of Addressing Weight-based Bullying.
Engagement and Retention in Weight Management: Latest Research and Practical Tools
This webinar offered by the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight highlights patient retention and engagement in childhood weight management and a toolkit developed by a team of experts. To view this webinar, visit Engagement and Retention in Weight Management. To view the toolkit, visit Patient Retention Resources for Obesity Treatment.
DSHS Grand Rounds: Diabetes and Your Eyes: Understanding the Connection
GoToWebinar – November 13th at 11:00 am
Texas Diabetes Council (TDC) is collaborating with DSHS Grand Rounds to present on diabetes and eye health. Dr. Mary Kate Walters, OD, FAAO, ABO, will present. Dr. Walters is the Clinic Director of the Northside Eye Care Center in Fort Worth. The event is free, open to the public, and continuing education are available for the live version. For more information and to register, visit DSHS Grand Rounds.
Keeping Diabetes at Bay 5K Walk/Run
Corpus Christi – November 9th at 7:30 am
Texas A&M Coastal Bend Health Education Center is hosting the third annual Keeping Diabetes at Bay 5K Walk/Run at the Cole Park Amphitheater in Corpus Christi. Onsite registration is $35. In addition to providing free community services, Texas A&M Coastal Bend Diabetes Education Program proceeds help fund health screenings, diabetes management assistance, and free glucose meters and testing supplies. For more information or to register or sponsor this event, visit the Keeping Diabetes at Bay 5K Walk/Run information page.
Texas Diabetes Council
January 30, 2025
The mission of the Texas Diabetes Council (TDC) is to effectively reduce the health and economic burdens of diabetes in Texas. The TDC meets four times a year in public Council meetings and has two workgroups: the TDC Health Professionals and Outcomes Workgroup (HPOW) and the Advocacy and Outreach Workgroup (AOW). The next Council meeting and workgroup meetings are on January 30, 2025. For more information, visit the TDC webpage.
Q. How can I know if I’m at risk of developing Prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes?
A. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) have developed free, 60-second online screening tests to determine risk of developing prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. The tests may be taken online or printed out and are available in English and Spanish. To take the ADA’s risk test online, visit 60-Second Risk Test for Type 2 Diabetes. To take the CDC’s risk test online, visit Prediabetes Risk Test.
For any questions or feedback regarding our newsletter, or ideas for future newsletter topics, please email the Diabetes Prevention and Control Program at diabetes@dshs.texas.gov.
Past Issues
(All past issues are PDF documents.)
Feb 2024 May 2024 | August 2024
Feb 2023 May 2023
Feb 2022 | May 2022 | August 2022 | November 2022
Feb 2021 | August 2021 | Nov 2021 |
Jan 2020 | Feb 2020 | March 2020 | April 2020 | May 2020 | June 2020
July 2020 | Aug 2020 | Sept 2020 | Oct 2020 | Nov 2020
The articles and hyperlinks to external websites appearing in Diabetes News You Can Use are intended to be informational and do not represent an endorsement by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Other websites may not be accessible to people with disabilities. For more information about any of the items listed, please contact the sponsoring organization directly.