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Policy on Public Comment at Meetings

Texas Health and Safety Code, §401.0181, effective September 1, 1999, states:

The advisory board shall develop and implement policies that provide the public with a reasonable opportunity to appear before the advisory board and to speak on any issue under the jurisdiction of the advisory board

Statement of Policy

It is the policy of the Texas Radiation Advisory Board that members of the public shall be given the opportunity to appear before the advisory board during public meetings of the board and to speak on any issue under the jurisdiction of the advisory board.


Opportunity shall be given during each committee meeting and meeting of the whole board for members of the public to be recognized for comment on any issue under the jurisdiction of the advisory board.

  • Each agenda of the board posted in the Texas Register shall have as an item "Public Comment" which will provide individuals opportunity to comment.
  • The chair of the meeting shall designate the time during the meetings when comments shall be made and shall set the time allotted for comments. The chair will invite public comment. Persons wishing to make comments may also notify the chair in advance of the meeting.
  • Any written comments to the board shall also be made a part of record for the board meeting for which they are submitted.
  • Any oral comments made by the public shall be tape recorded as part of the official meeting tapes of the board. Member of the public will be provided a microphone for making their comments and be asked to identify themselves for the public record.
  • Minutes of the board shall note if public comment is received and note the general nature of the comment.