HIV/STD Program Policies
Global Policies Affecting All Programs
Number | Title | Established | Last Revised |
2023.015 |
6/2024 |
1/2021 |
2012.01 |
4/2008 |
9/2024 |
2011.04 |
7/2008 |
3/2012 |
2011.01 |
7/2008 |
5/2014 |
090.001 |
Roles and Responsibilities of the Section Regarding Contractors |
6/1998 |
090.002 |
2/2005 |
090.010 |
10/1997 |
090.020 |
8/2002 |
5/2024 |
120.100 |
11/1995 |
6/2023 |
302.001 |
4/1999 |
11/2019 |
302.002 |
4/1999 |
7/2019 |
530.002 |
Section Expectations and Provider Rights Regarding the Delivery of Client Service |
6/1998 |
12/2023 |
530.003 |
How to Deal with Clients Who Threaten to Harm Themselves or Others |
9/2001 |
4/2023 |
590.001 |
9/1994 |
5/2023 |
591.000 |
12/2013 |
5/2024 |
-- |
2/2013 |
HIV and STD Prevention Programs
Number | Title | Established | Last Revised |
110.002 |
5/1998 |
5/2024 |
130.001 |
12/1994 |
6/2006 |
HIV Health and Social Services Programs
Number | Title | Established | Last Revised |
220.001 |
7/2006 |
11/2023 |
231.000 |
6/2006 |
7/2023 |
231.001 |
8/2010 |
12/2023 |
231.002 |
3/2000 |
6/2023 |
231.003 |
8/2010 |
8/2023 |
241.001 |
10/1996 |
12/2023 |
241.003 |
2/2005 |
8/2007 |
241.004 |
6/2006 |
12/2023 |
241.005 |
6/2006 |
12/2023 |
241.006 |
8/2006 |
5/2011 |
260.002 |
11/1998 |
11/2015 |
270.001 |
Calculation of Estimated Expenditures on Covered Clinical Services |
7/2015 |
12/2023 |
280.001 |
Sub-Contracting HIV Core and Support Services by an Administrative Agency |
9/2015 |
Sexually Transmitted Disease Programs
Number | Title | Established | Last Revised |
420.002 |
Provider Selection Criteria and Requirements for the Texas Infertility Prevention Project |
11/2015 |
7/2023 |
Texas HIV Medication Program
Number | Title | Established | Last Revised |
700.001 |
Texas HIV Medication Program, Requests to Change State HIV Medication Formulary |
1/1996 |
8/2024 |
700.002 |
Rights of the Texas HIV Medication Program to Limit the Number of Clients Assigned to a Pharmacy |
10/1996 |
5/2024 |
700.003 |
HIV/STD Medication Program Participating Site Eligibility Criteria |
6/1997 |
9/2024 |
700.004 |
3/1997 |
5/2024 |
700.005 |
6/2006 |
5/2024 |
700.006 |
Multi-Month and Special Circumstance Medication Supply and Coverage |
5/2019 |
5/2024 |
700.007 |
10/2021 |
Pharmacy Unit
Number | Title | Established | Last Revised |
PMCY.01 |
6/2019 |
9/2024 |
2023.004 |
5/2023 |
2023.005 |
Covered Entity Eligibility and Central Distribution Model Participation |
5/2023 |
2023.006 |
5/2023 |
2023.007 |
7/2023 |
2023.008 |
6/2023 |
2023.009 |
6/2023 |
2023.010 |
6/2023 |
2023.011 |
6/2023 |
11/2023 |
2023.013 |
6/2023 |
2023.016 |
8/2023 |
2023.019 |
1/2024 |
HIV/STD Central Office Internal Policies
Number | Title | Established | Last Revised |
2020.02 |
DSHS Central Pharmacy to Dispense Medications to THMP Participants |
12/2020 |
12/2020 |
Repealed program policies and procedures
To learn more about HIV/STD Program policies, contact the program.