Answering a Notice of Violation for Radioactive Materials Licenses

Tips for Responding to a Notice of Violation

After an inspection is conducted at your facility by a Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Inspector, you may need to respond to a Notice of Violation (NOV). You have 30 days from the date of the NOV to respond in writing. The following tips should help you in completing your response correctly:

  • Carefully read the "Notice of Violation Explanation and Guide for Response" included with the notice.
  • Answer each violation separately. Include the steps taken to correct each violation, how you will prevent recurrence, and the date that compliance was achieved.
  • Your response letter should answer only one NOV.
  • Do not request a change to your license when answering a NOV. This will delay processing your response.
  • Only send accompanying documentation if requested by DSHS. If requested, do not send original documents.
  • Do not write your corrective actions on the notice and return this as your response.
  • Do not respond by only sending a copy of the documentation you were cited for not having.
  • For help in responding to your notice, call the technical reviewer listed on the notice.

Checklist For Responding to a Notice of Violation

  • Did you reference your Radioactive Material License number in your response?
  • Did you reference the compliance number in your response?
  • Did you address your response to the individual listed as the technical reviewer?
  • Does your response address each violation separately?
  • Does your answer to each violation include steps taken to correct the violation?
  • Does your answer to each violation include steps taken to prevent recurrence of the violation?
  • Does your answer to each violation include a date when full compliance will be achieved?