Healthcare Safety Unit

Antibiotic Resistance/MDROs Antimicrobial Stewardship Conferences Facility Report Search Healthcare Associated Infections
Click to link to the Dell Medical School Antimicrobial Stewardship Pilot

The Healthcare Safety Unit at the Texas Department of State Health Services began in 2010, with the adoption of mandatory healthcare safety date reporting requirements for healthcare facilities in Texas. As the program expanded and evolved in response to the ever-present need for high quality, safe healthcare in Texas, the Healthcare Safety Unit was established.


Our Vision, Mission and Values

Vision: Helping to achieve safe, quality healthcare that improves the well-being of everyone in Texas.

Mission: Promoting safe and quality healthcare through awareness, education, transparency, monitoring and response. 


  • Empower Texans to make informed decisions about their healthcare
  • Conduct duties with respect and dignity for all members of our community
  • Provide expertise to maintain the highest healthcare safety standards
  • Deliver evidence-based guidance to healthcare partners
  • Strive for continuous improvement, excellence, professionalism and innovation
  • Respond rapidly to public health threats in Texas

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